"I started photographing my domestic world and writing not just about what I had made,
but why I made it, examining the thoughts that accompany creativity and the act of making."
Jane Brocket from The Gentle Art of Domesticity p. 189 UK edition

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Moving Forward

As I drove from Sonoma, California, to Boring, Oregon, March 15-16, 2018, I drove through a bit of snow north of Willits, California, and north of  Brookings, Oregon, much to my surprise! But the weather cleared beautifully so that I could stop at one of my favorite outlooks and take this photo, which you might recognize as a view similar to my blog header photo. [When I can figure out how to do so I will switch the photos :-) ]

If you look very carefully above the left-hand side of the plaque and near the water's edge there is a little red dot which is the roof of the Umpqua River Lighthouse.  The triangular shape in Winchester Bay is an oyster farm.

I chose this iconic view of Winchester Bay as a beautiful spot from which to visually launch my blog: an exploration of crafts onshore in the Pacific Northwest and my part in crafting in various forms as a growing Christ follower.

At the Biscuit Cafe, for breakfast on the Wednesday, after I got home, I met my knitting service group friends who knit and crochet preemie blankets for needy preemies.  On our way out of the cafe, I took a picture of this saying that is a pertinent encouragement for me now.

 On occasion, I have been accused of being too "preachy" in my blog. More often than not I accuse myself of not being clear enough in authentically reflecting my failings and faith in following Christ and I especially feel that since I have been home.  While the members of our household were/are committed to leaning in to know and serve Christ and not reject each other but to affirm who each of us is in Christ, nine of us have moved out and are not yet in communication with the three of us at home still.  We prayed/pray each other are blessed.

This raises all sorts of questions I can not answer for you or myself, yet, but I am believing our Heavenly Father the great Three in One, is drawing each of us closer to Him and I am praying that each of us glorifies the Lord in all that we do as Holy Spirit empowers us to do so.

 On the way home from California I experienced a bit of Spring snow and once home there was a bit more so that I felt I did not entirely miss Winter while I was in California.

Our ponds have Mallard couples visiting, and I have lost track of how many times the lawn has been mowed now.

My Spring Cleaning has been inspired by meditating on Christ's question,  "What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his soul?" I heard a teacher recently say..."There are not any U-Hauls headed to heaven!" :-)

Yet one more season our huge Cherry tree blooms and flurries of petals are swirling to earth in celebration of Spring and abundant life!

My youngest daughter bought out my oldest daughter's share of the house and now my youngest daughter and her husband and I are preparing the house for sale.  I am looking for my first independent house in which to live and my youngest daughter and her husband are looking for their first "home alone," too!!

This is the latest preemie blanket I started since arriving home...one single crochet row, one double crochet row, repeat.

We are in the midst of hiring someone to finish painting the interior of this house and someone else to professionally clean the windows.  Someone else is scheduled to repair a pipe, and we have cleaning/weeding and some repair work to do as well.  The target date for listing the house is now July 1, 2018.

Oh, and I did get my taxes submitted and a refund that paid for my trip back home.  I also got my teeth cleaned and found I need another little crown :-( .  And I don't know when I will make it down to visit my sisters again, but both are doing well and keeping in touch.

Hoping you will check in with me and that I will check in with you!!

Gracie xx